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Bangalipur, Rajatalab, Varanasi


The fundamental concept of education has remained fairly constant over centuries i.e. imparting intellectual and moral training. However philanthropists all over the world have been unable to resist the urge to improve education constantly and to be involved in the process of the adequate development of young human minds and bodies both.

The most formidable challenge before all of us, today, is to build a sound system of human resource development by teaching, training and inculcating right values and skills in our children, provide a base for the entire gamut of educational system which the nation desires to evolve, needs special emphasis.

Here the modern concept of education blends smoothly with the ancient and the traditional, where the teacher and the taught work together towards excellence in all spheres of life, and the outlook is beyond examinations with almost unlimited inputs aimed at the development of the total personality development of the students. This sacred temple of learning is the Varanasi Public School founded in 2000.