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Bangalipur, Rajatalab, Varanasi



The major strength of the institution is a team of highly qualified experienced and dedicated staff with optimum teacher-taught ratio.

This ensures individual attention between teachers and students which is essential for the progress of the students.

The school strictly follows the CBSE,s syllabi and NCERT curricula. Hindi, English and Sanskrit/Urdu Languages have been adopted under three language formula in middle classes, thought teaching medium of instruction is English. The following subjects are offered at secondary stage i.e. in classes IX &X —English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science & Technology, Social Science and Computer Applications.

Award List

There is provision of awarding following prizes & trophies:
Outstanding, Position Holders, Most Regular, Well Dressed, Best in Spoken English, Best in Hand Writing, Best in Literary, Best in Cultural, Best in Art & Craft, Best in Sports & Good Conduct.

Teachers Award

The school management provides cash prizes to every subject teacher whose-
All students score 80% & above marks — Rs.5001/-
The teacher who gives a result of 100% in Board examination is awarded an incentive of Rs 11001- as a morale booster.

Medical Care & infirmary

School provides free medical FIRST-AIDS to the students. Medical specialists visit the school from time to time. Medical check-up is held periodically and medical record of every student is maintained.


The school has a number of comfortable buses and other vehicles that ply in the area of 50km. radius. These buses cover almost entire Varanasi-City, Rajatalab, Kapsethi, Jansa and the places on route.


Students are assessed on a cumulative assessment scale. Unit Tests and Terminal Examinations are given due weightage making them imperative for students to work throughout the year. The promotion of students to next class is made on the basis of his/her cumulative scores.

Remedial Classes

All efforts are made to help the weak students by holding special classes. The progress of such students is monitored regularly by the teachers.


The students of the school are divided into four houses as Red, Green, Yellow and Blue. Every house works under the guidance of talented teachers who encourage them for participating in various co-curricular and cultural activities. The school lays emphasis on the inter-house activities as they help in all-round development of the students and bring out the best traits of character LEADERSHIP, CO-OPERATION, SELF CONTROL, SELF-SACRIFICE DISCIPLINE.

Admin Block

The school building has been well designed, lit, airy and ventilated classrooms. Junior section has exclusive rooms suitably designed for tiny tots of Nursery and KG, where they express their inborn intellect and learn by playing with toys in a pleasurable environment.
The School has also a multipurpose hall equipped with the facility of Projector and Television where house/club activities are organized time to time

Home Work Dairy

Home work diary is provided to every student at the beginning of the academic session. Students will note down home-work in the diary and subject teacher will duly sign it daily. The parents are also informed through the diary about their ward’s progress.

Environment Consciousness

Every year school carries out various programme to arouse environment consciousness among the students. Different activities like Plantation, Slogan Writing, Poster-making, Quiz and Speech Competitions related to the environment are conducted in the school.

Hobby Classes Activities

A. Sports Activities 

The school has an extensive play-ground. The school organizes sport activities regularly to enhance the students’ skill in developing a sound body, an abode to sound mind. The school has facilities of many indoor and outdoor games and sports viz Badminton, Table-tennis, Kilo-Kilo, Volleyball, Chess, Carrom and Skating etc.

B. Non Sports Activities 

Art and craft, Computer, Vocal Instrumental, Spoken English & Dramatization.

Library & Book-Bank

The school library has an excellent collection of over 5000 books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, Reference-books, literary works in Hindi, English, Sanskrit and Urdu.
Fiction and in particular, literature suited to young minds. Library regularly subscribes a number of newspaper, magazines and journals on technical and vocational subjects. Students and staff can always be found there happily browsing over books and magazines. Of course, it is the nerve-centre of the school. The books cater the needs of deserving and needy students. Text-books are issued to the students for the whole session. The students, too, donate generously their text book to the book-bank. This donation is purely on voluntary basis.