- Affiliation No : 2131898
- School No : 71377
- Bangalipur, Rajatalab, Varanasi
- +919721525969
- vpsrajatalab@gmail.com
Only education leads man towards perfection in life. And this very statement impresses us to quest for a healthy education which is a never ending process. So it is essential to highlight the values of education with its traditional openness which still faces enormous challenges and dangers. One should agree that prosperity of a nation absolutely lays in strengthening education which is only and solely source of the entire development of the either society and nation. The great wealth of any prosperous nation is childen and the great success of the nation is in their success. So VPS has been focusing special attention on the all round develoment of children. to unveil their hidden treasure, analytical system of study is being transported for widening the horizon of their knowledge. By promoting the newly pattern of study along with the whole set of educational practices our school is fast fulfilling its tryst with destiny. This system of education has generated overwhelming response from all over the city and states. Being duty bound to sure value based educational system we have been gaining the encouraging response and enthusiasm of the parents. This all is being done emphatically with an energetic team of teachers having religious commitments. The VPS is Proud of possessing the uninterrupted flow of education which quenches the thirst of students’ learning through well-knitted chain of academics and spiritual pursuits.
Only education leads man towards perfection in life. This very statement impresses us to quest for healthy education which is a never ending process. So it is essential to highlight the values of education with its traditional openness which still faces enormous challenges and dangers. One should agree that prosperity of a nation absolutely lays in strengthening education which is the only source of the overall development of both the society and nation.
The great wealth of any prosperous nation is its children and the great success of the nation is in their success. So VPS has been laying special attention on the all round development of children. To unveil their hidden treasure, analytical system of study is being transported for widening the horizon of their knowledge.
By promoting the new pattern of study along with the whole set of educational practice our school is fast fulfilling its tryst with destiny. This system of education has generated, over whelming response from all over the city and states. Being duty bound to ensure value based educational system we have been gaining the encouraging response and enthusiasm of the parents. This all is being done emphatically with an energetic team of teachers having religious commitments.
The VPS is proud of possessing the uninterrupted flow of education which quenches the thirst of student “learning through well-knitted chain of academics sand spiritual pursuits”
Vijay Kumar Jaiswal
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”….Albert Einstein”
This quote can be the pedestal on which stands the magnificent 22years edifice of Varanasi Public School, Bangalipur Rajatalab, Varanasi At the core of philosophy is the fervent thought that all endeavors with the children may manifest in action of the mind, but originally essentially in the heart.
Working continuously for two decades to ensure an environment where the mind is truly without fear and the smallest voice is heard with gravest attention. Varanasi Public School is a realization of the noble dreams that was dreamt to fulfill the responsibility of sharing education in every sphere of life.
For me, the school epitomizes the spirit of the new, developed India, nurtured in the value code of a rich historical legacy and equipped with the 21st century skills to contribute to global growth. Let’s walk together to enrich life …
Mrs. Shaswati Sharma
Principal, Varanasi Public School
Bangalipur Rajatalab Varanasi